Tuesday 4 August 2009

Book yearning

I bought this book in the nineties, OK well maybe the eighties and loved it, treasured it, moved my bedroom furniture around to it – I was still living at home. 

When I moved into various shared accommodation over the next few years, it was my style bible. I lent it to a friend at college, she moved away, we lost touch. I missed that book. 

I recently found it on Amazon for 1p, yes one penny. I swooned and bought it. I had a quick flick and put it away to snuggle up with on the sofa at a later date to reminisce and stroke my youthful memories with.

The Belle Mere saw it and asked if she might borrow. I lent, tantalising myself with the knowledge it would soon be all mine to look at once more.

We cut off the Belle Mere, my book is languishing in North London, so near, yet so far.

Should I buy it again?

I've also had a strange whimsical yearning to read one of Jilly Cooper's girl series again. I read them in fifth year at school, I was very innocent, they are very innocent, all billowing hair and manly kisses if I remember correctly very jolly Jilly. Fabulous names too: Octavia, Prudence, Imogen, Harriet, Bella. On closer inspection -were they all images of Jilly Cooper?!!!

I guess I'm just harping back to a time when my greatest responsibility was making sure Bella (my rabbit) and the chickens were shut up safely every night.


Unknown said...

I used to have this book!! I think I had it in the late eighties/early nineties....Yes buy it again!! I might too!!

I loved the Jilly Cooper books too, although I think they all have mushed into one in my head. The girls did have the best names!!

I was also a great fan of "Lace'

westendmum said...

Oh God, I loved 'Lace'!!!!

Other nonsense

Quote of the day

‘They tuck you up your mum and dad...’
Anon - after Larkin

“Philately will get you everywhere”

“It’s not the despair, I can handle the despair. 
It’s the hope I can’t deal with”

“Each new friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”
Anais Nin

‘Come on Dover move your bloomin’ arse’.
Eliza Doolittle