A female swan is called a pen, a male swan is called a cob.
Erbie woke at 3am this morning with a barking cough and what sounded like a sore throat. In the semi darkness to my horror I saw scribbles all over his legs, had he been up alone long enough to find a pen and start graffiti-ing himself, had I put him in his cot with a pen? Then I realised through my dazed state that it was actually the pattern on his sleep suit.
I left him with The GR this morning while I went to the supermarket, when I got to the self-service checkout I had forgotten my wallet, ‘that’s not all you have forgotten,’ said the nice lady asking after Erbie. I ran home leaving my shopping and The GR had to go and fetch it!
He is up and about but we are staying inside in the warm, his awful cough has subsided thankfully and now he is just a snot bucket. I took him to an under three baby gym on Monday to mix with ‘other people’s children’, so that must be where he picked it up. It’s the time of year for colds, 3 people I know have them, I must keep taking the vitamin C!
An Amazing Gift That is Always Within Each of Us
[image: Chateau14]“Choosing joy often means stepping into the unknown. It
can mean letting go of what’s ‘practical’ and taking a risk on something
1 day ago
You just made me snort wine out of my nose with your tattoo mix-up, too funny.
I hope he's better soon. My 2 year old has a terrible cough as well.
My 17 year old has a terrible cough again, it is the same one she had when she had swine flu 8 weeks ago I have never heard a dry cough like it!
Hope he's better soon! xxxx
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