Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Rainy Wet Playtime
Monday, 14 February 2011
Thursday, 3 February 2011
The amazing ballooning baby.
Being English I waited in an orderly fashion at the reception desk as a vaguely familiar looking actor off the telly and his toddler with a gash to the forehead gave their details before me. We were all then ushered through to the children’s waiting area. Erbie was still out cold on my shoulder, another child with a similar gash to the head was playing noisily in the corner. After what must have been another twenty minutes Erbie woke up, his voice was croaky and his face was still swollen but he was back.
A friendly nurse took his temperature and heart rate then checked his body for a rash, all thankfully normal and as I had already given him Piriton there was nothing they could do accept keep him there for surveillance. He got given a bed in a room with kids TV and I begged a clean nappy and directions to the café.
After 3 hours the swelling had started to subside, he got checked over by a doctor and we left just as toddler nap time was coming to an end and the waiting room in conjunction was starting to fill up.
I was informed there may be secondary reaction 12 hours later but not to worry he was probably fine and thankfully he was.
NB: Casein is used as a carrier protein in certain vaccinations, if it is injected directly into the blood stream of a 3 month old baby with a higher levels of antibodies than a non breastfed baby it may be probable that the body will form an immune response to the protein along with the disease being vaccinated against. Most toddlers grow out of milk protein allergy by the time they are 5 or 6.
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