I'm sitting in a cafe.
It's school picking up time.
Usually I'd be picking up Erbie and taking him to swimming later, but Huston has told me not to collect him today, not to come home tonight or come back to the flat until 2.30pm tomorrow. When this has happened before I've begged, gone running, cajoled, apologised, cried. Today I decided I'd had enough of being bullied, so I have not gone to collect Erbie. I have asked the mum's to look out for him, but no news so far so all must be well.
I popped in to see Erbie at lunchtime under the pretence that I was taking him a coat and said he would be having a boys night and I'd see him tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning I have my first Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) appointment...
This & That: February 21, 2025
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